AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide


Use AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide as a broadcast spray to control weeds prior to no-till planting or seedbed preparation. Spot sprays may be used in crops, ornamentals, pastures, and turf.

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AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a non-selective, weed control for grasses and broadleaf weeds. It is formulated to deliver maximum performance and provide fast-acting results on a long list of weeds and grasses, as well as most mosses and lichens.

This product is an herbicidal soap product comprised of a form of ammoniated pelargonic salts. These salts penetrate the cell walls of plants, disrupting the cellular functions of the targeted weeds and killing them within hours of application.
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Sold As: 2.5 gal jug
Active Ingredients: Ammonium Nonanoate
Product/Formulation/Device Types: Liquid Concentrate
Target Pests: Adelgids, Caterpillars, Grasshoppers, Lacebugs, Plant Bugs - Lygus, Scale Insects, Aphids, Earwigs, Mites, Psyllids, Sawflies, Thrips, Whiteflies
Target Sites: Agricultural Areas, Greenhouse/Nursery, Ornamentals, Sodfarms, Trees, Warehouses - Commercial Industrial Bldgs
Turf, Tree & Plant Types Use Sites (Herbicides - Fungicides): Commercial Turf, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Sod Farms, Trees
Manufacturer: BioSafe Systems
Manufacturer SKU: 7600-2.5
Signal Word: Warning
Not For Sale In: AK
ID: 840823
Labeled Weeds: All Weeds (Non Selective), Annual Grasses, Broadleaf Weeds, Grass Weeds, Perennial Grasses

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