Octane 2% SC Herbicide

  • Increased speed of kill
  • Satisfied membership and greens committee
  • Labeled for use on cool- and warm-season turf
  • Excellent turf safety for locations with multiple turf species
  • Very short half-life
  • No limitation to turf establishment after application
  • Rainfast in 1 hour
  • Little chance for interference from weather or irrigation
  • Low vapor pressure
  • No movement to non-target areas
  • Low use rate
  • Lower environmental impact
  • Effective in all climates
  • No temperature restrictions, hot or cold
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Tough on weeds, gentle on the environment

Octane is a simple, economical solution to faster weed control. Best applied on a sunny day, weeds sprayed with Octane show visual herbicidal symptoms within 24-48 hours. Emerged weeds are quickly killed, helping in timely tournament prep or instant satisfaction by membership and greens committees. Octane is also safe to use on recently seeded turf, being gentle on desirable cool- and warm-season turfgrass such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, bermuda grass, centipede grass, St. Augustine and zoysia grass.

With Octane, show your customers the results they want, when they want them. Octane takes out the toughest broadleaf weeds, delivering visual results within 24 to 48 hours of application.

Octane's active ingredient, pyraflufen-ethyl, has an in-soil half-life of less than 24 hours, ensuring rapid in-soil breakdown following application. Octane is rain-fast within an hour, delivers outstanding results with little active ingredient per acre, has low water solubility and low vapor pressure, reducing potential off-target movement and its effect on the environment.
Product Label and Safety Data Sheet
Label SDS
All product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information is provided by LabelSDS.com.
More Information
Sold As: 8 oz bottle (for a case order 12)
Active Ingredients: Pyraflufen-ethyl
Product/Formulation/Device Types: Liquid Concentrate
Target Pests: Asterales, Caryophyllales, Cashew or Sumac, Goosefoot, Iceplant, Magnolia, Mallow, Mint, Pink, Ragweed, Rosales, Solanales, Sowthistle, Spurge, Sunflower, Weeds
Target Sites: Agricultural Areas, Greenhouse/Nursery, Landscape, Lawn, Ornamentals, Parks, Sodfarms, Cemeteries, Golf Courses
Turf, Tree & Plant Types Use Sites (Herbicides - Fungicides): Athletic Turf, Commercial Turf, Golf Courses, Ornamentals, Putting Greens, Residential Turf, Sod Farms, Tees
Manufacturer: SePRO
Signal Word: Caution
Not For Sale In: ND
ID: 756742
Labeled Weeds: All Weeds (Non Selective)

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