Foam Fighter Defoaming Agent 32 oz bottle

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Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Foam Fighter Defoaming Agent 32oz Bottle (12/Case) Product Overview: - Foam Fighter is a high quality, anti-foaming agent. Miller’s Foam Fighter reduces foam in agricultural chemical sprayers and also in dip tanks. It is FDA approved for use in food processing operations. This product is designed to reduce foam in agricultural chemical sprayers and also in dip tanks, such as those used in the grading of peaches and apples. It contains 10% active ingredients and is kosher approved. Features: - FDA approved for both agricultural and food processing applications - Can be added to tank mix before or after foaming Benefits: - Reduces overflow risks and operator stress levels - Prevents and manages foam in spray and dip tanks How Does It Work? - Foam develops in spray tanks when highly emulsified agricultural chemicals and surfactants are placed in the tank during the filling and agitation process. The interaction of a high-pressure stream of water, the surfactant remaining in the tank, and air, can cause severe foaming. This foam can take up considerable space in the tank and waste time in the filling operation or force the operator to use smaller loads, diminishing tank capacity and productivity. In order to completely fill the tank, foam must be removed. Utilizing Foam Fighter in the early stages of tank filling will help reduce foam generation. Application - Key crops include but are not limited to: Soybeans, Cotton, Corn, Peaches and Apples - Prior to foam generation in tank mixes or to knock down foam
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Sold As: 1 qt bottle (for a case order 12)
Manufacturer: Miller Chemical & Fertilizer
Signal Word: None
ID: 629627

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