• Latin Name: Galium Parisiense
  • Latin Family Name: Rubiaceae
  • Common Name: Wall Bedstraw
  • Other Names: Bedstraw, cleaver, goosegrass, wall galium

Native to the Mediterranean region, it has become naturalized in North America and other parts of Europe.

An annual broadleaf that occurs in moist areas, particularly where competitive vegetation is minimal. It infests vineyards, orchards, hillsides, stream banks, or landscape settings, especially where vegetation control has eliminated competition. Seeds germinate throughout the spring and plants mature into mid-summer.

Mature plants are prostrate and spreading where no other plants are around them, but become almost vine-like and mat-forming over other plants nearby. In this way the stems may become very long. Stems are square and have recurved bristles on the ridges, giving them a very rough, sandpaper feel and allowing them to cling to plants as they climb. Leaves are arranged in a whorl around the stem, in groups of 4 to 7 leaves, at long intervals along the stem. Leaves are very narrow and lance-shaped, and only about ¼ inch long and with a sharp pointed tip. Flowers also are tiny and are in clusters of several flowers at the end of a long stalk that arises from the whorl of leaves. Flowers are whitish to violet, and with 4 petals.

Characteristics Important to Control:
An annual that prefers no competitive vegetation, and seeds germinate in late spring.