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Dominant 1% Liquid Ant Bait

  • Quickly attracts then kills and controls all listed common household ants and their colonies including Crazy, Argentine, little black, pavement, odorous house, cornfield, acrobat, white-footed, big-headed and ghost ants.
  • The 1% active ingredient is highly attractive to Argentine ants.
  • The lower active ingredient allows for greater consumption, which helps spread the bait throughout the larger colonies.
  • Uses the same full strength attractants as regular DominAnt
  • Use both indoors and outdoors.
Ships in 5–10 Business Days
DominAnt 1% is a borax-based 1% active liquid ant bait. It is very attractive to Argentine ants and other sweet feeding ants, and is specifically formulated for very large or multi-queen ant colonies. The active ingredient allows for greater consumption, which helps spread the bait throughout the larger colonies. It can be applied from quart containers into bait stations designed to hold liquid ant bait products.
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Sold As: 1 qt bottle (for a case order 12)
Active Ingredients: Borax
Product/Formulation/Device Types: Liquid Bait
Target Pests: Acrobat Ant, Argentine Ant, Bigheaded Ant, Cornfield Ant, Crazy Ants, Difficult Ant, Ghost Ant, Little Black Ant, Odorous House Ant, Pavement Ant
Target Sites: Exterior Landscaped Settings, Exterior Non-Landscaped settings, Structures and Immediate Surroundings
Manufacturer: Nisus
Manufacturer SKU: PRO-DOMINATN1%
Signal Word: None
ID: 817955

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